Energy is a magnet and draws situations and circumstances into our life. Learning to know our energy self is a vital step on our path of self-transformation that leads to a collective transformation of all people, and ultimately our earth.
May the reality experienced by the photograph inspire a relationship with the energy self to the energy of all life. This can lead to balance and harmony, which in itself stimulates the realization that all life forms are related by the energy of light.
Avillion offers Aura Photography as an educational service to inspire and promote the sense of “energy awareness”, and to encourage the application of this awareness into daily life. Above all, how we can start to take care of our aura, the importance of “thoughts” and become vigilant to their positive or negative effect on the Aura and all life forms.
We can choose to “Rise from the Ego Self into our true Essence” and thus be liberated into living life fully in natural community with all Life. Therein the true spirit of “teamwork” is revealed. And we realize that we are an integral part of one vast ocean of light. A Humanity as One Heart, who connect from Essence to Essence and thus live in a world of living light – the “real light!”
To this end, the Aura Photo serves its greater purpose. Additionally, when Spirituality, Science, and Technology are working together, the Aura Camera is a wonderful example of this successful union.
It is for this greater purpose that Avillion offers the service of Aura Photography.
The Aura Imaging Service and Consultations are provided by Rev. Ingrid Jolly, DD
as a fundraising activity for the Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Avillion Corporation.