Avillion of Universal Insight logo

Together we will create a golden bridge
from East to West arrow Mind into Heart,
and West to East arrow Heart into Mind
as we evolve into a community of

< 2025 >
  • Aura Photography Weekend @ Mountain Mystic Trading Company

    All day
    Feb 22, 2025-Feb 23, 2025
    215 South St, Front Royal, VA, United States, Virginia

    Aura Photography & Ultra Imaging for Natural Empowerment

    Saturday 11-5,
    Sunday  12-5
    In these sessions, you receive:
    • One full-color Aura Photograph of your Heart Chakra Vibrations
    • Personal Chakra Report with 2 printed Full Body Pictures
    • An Aura Care Booklet with additional information on maintaining a strong and healthy Aura
    Personal interpretation and spiritual reading for Light Body Expansion can be available.
  • Aura Photography Weekend @ Mountain Mystic Trading Company

    All day
    Feb 23, 2025-Feb 23, 2025
    215 South St, Front Royal, VA, United States, Virginia

    Aura Photography & Ultra Imaging for Natural Empowerment

    Saturday 11-5,
    Sunday  12-5
    In these sessions, you receive:
    • One full-color Aura Photograph of your Heart Chakra Vibrations
    • Personal Chakra Report with 2 printed Full Body Pictures
    • An Aura Care Booklet with additional information on maintaining a strong and healthy Aura
    Personal interpretation and spiritual reading for Light Body Expansion can be available.
Aura Photography Expospeace sanctuary meditation areawedding ceremonymeditation areaAura Photography Services

We welcome you to schedule a visit.

Avillion provides a variety of services that nourish all aspects of the human psyche  (body, mind, spirit, and soul)  and its interaction within the Natural World. Learning to think with the heart and feel with the mind activates “Timeless Wisdom of Heart” as we apply it to the most mundane, routine and spiritual tasks.

We inspire personal and direct contact with the source of Divine Creation, which is the Source of Divine Living Light.

As a realistic starting point, Avillion offers Aura Photography to encourage personal awareness from the world of thought to all subtle energy, which greatly affects personal and collective consciousness and thereby improves the quality of all life (animal, vegetable & mineral kingdom).

Avillion’s goal is to bring about change of consciousness, from the individual to the collective and thereby achieve a better humanity and World Peace will become a reality.

Timeless Wisdom:

A human being is a part of a whole, called by us 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest...

— Albert Einstein

Current Projects

Currently, Avillion's primary endeavors are the development of the Avalonia Healing Arts programs with a "One Earth - One Heart - One Light" community; and the Avalonia Peace Sanctuary / Nature Retreat that also serves as a healing sanctuary or open-air classroom for individuals of all ages who seek to expand their consciousness.


Avillion Aura Imaging Photography Sessions with or without Reading are available at our home base, Avalonia Peace Sanctuary in Front Royal area of VA. For an appointment please call 540-636-7798 or email us at avillion@avillion.org. For further information please visit:
