Avillion as a Corporation is a Service Community of Heart
Inspirational creativity leads us into manifesting our own divinity and its recognition in All Life. To this aim, the Avillion Corporation is in Service of All Life.
Its officers function as a Council and all are Counselors of Service – through themselves, to each other, and to all that constitutes life. Therefore, the Avillion Council is at your service to inspire greater service to the “One Divinity” and, thus learn to dance with a joyful heart on the “Shifting Sands” of life.
The objective of the Service
Avillion’s particular focus is on sponsoring activities that explore the harmony between Nature, Humanity, and Spirituality. Avillion offers the opportunity to experience the natural strength in the unified presence of the individual when the real focus of “One Divinity” is integrated into all aspects of daily life. This makes it possible to live life in natural contemplative awareness.
Principles and Consciousness
Avillion’s principles and consciousness are based on: Separate none, respect each in its own individuality, discard none, waste none, instead re-apply and transform to create balance and harmony. Satisfy needs and desires with discernment and apply inspirational creativity at all levels of life to achieve transformation through the self. To reach above and beyond the known norm while retaining a continued attitude of positivity towards the self and each other.
The Avillion Council: A Round Table Board of Directors
Miles E. McCord Jr. PhD., President
Wendy Kennedy, Treasurer
Ingrid Jolly, DD, Founder/CEO
Kara Lewallen, Cheryl L. Kilduff-Janssen, Ann Reilly, Ph.D., and Patricia C. Sands and Elaine Gehr
For more detailed information on Council Members, please get in touch with Avillion.