Rev. Ingrid Jolly
Rev. Jolly has been an intuitive all her life and actively worked with the world of Spirit since 1969. She has traveled extensively, studied Tibetan Buddhism in England and Nepal. Through her work in establishing the first Tibetan Meditation Center in Washington, DC with a resident Lama, she was led to study Shamanism and Native American Spirituality from Elders of the specific cultures. Her comprehensive spiritual background has led her during a Vision Quest to today’s Cosmic Spirituality.
After her early retirement 1996, from Government Service in the Defense Area, Rev. Jolly-Trayfors dedicated herself to building Avillion of Universal Insight, a non-profit developed in 1994, to help others apply practical spiritual integration. By combining her expertise and knowledge gained in practical life and in the defense arenas, she is dedicated to a balanced spiritual integration on all levels of life to augment science and technology. She promotes Cosmic Spirituality based on the Natural Laws of Divine Living Light with its Celestial Lifestream Alignment, a rhythmic integration of the Living Light energy to nurture the soul. In addition to individual instruction and group workshops on spiritual and environmental awareness & healing, Rev. Jolly travels with the Aura Camera, using Aura Imaging Photography with Consultations and Lectures as a brief introduction to Avillion’s Cosmic Spirituality and energy literacy in the service of divine evolution. Rev. Jolly is a registered Agent of Conscious Evolution, certified in various healing modalities and 2014 completed advanced training in Universal Shamanism with don Oscar Miro Quesada. She holds a Doctorate of Divinity (UK), is an ordained Minister and Pastor of Avillion of Mont Salvat. She lives with her husband at Avalonia in Linden, Virginia.