See Proof of your Aura instantly!
It is a mutual and universal language of simplicity. Its source is the Core of Creation - a Celestial Golden Fire of the Sacred Heart.
It speaks to the Core in Everyone; to encourage us to transform and expand – from within the depths of our Inner Being into a Greater Self...
To achieve a Unified Field of Oneness in the One Divinity. Ever onward... expanding from Core to Core – Heart to Heart!
The Aura photograph provides visual proof of the colorful splendor and vastness of your energy field. It can reveal hidden potential, and so much more.
Our physical body is not even half the story – the greater part of the story and an impacting one is our Body of Light, made visible by its Aura. All life of animal, vegetable, and mineral, emits electricity and it surrounds the body as electromagnetic fields, the Aura. As we become aware of it, we realize that our true body is a vast spectrum of light that sustains and drives our physical form.
This body of light serves as a magnet of attraction. Gaining insight into the unique colors of our Aura is an uplifting experience and it encourages us to learn the language of light. Having an Aura Photo taken will not only help us remember the information that was shared but above all, it is a physical proof that we truly are a "Body of Light in Human Form".

Allow Yourself the Experience
of an Aura Session
We make our aura imaging photography service available at various expos and events throughout the year. See our event calendar for upcoming events. This service is also available for small groups by appointment. We can even take photos of your Animal Companions.
Aura Photograph with Personal Chakra Report
In this session you receive:
- One full-color Aura Photograph of your Heart Chakra
- Personal Chakra Report with 2 printed Full Body Pictures
- An Aura Care Booklet with additional information on maintaining a strong and healthy Aura
Angel-Guided Golden Light Ascension Reading
with Aura Photograph
Time permitting, Ingrid is also available for private consultations. After you get your Aura Photo taken, sit with Ingrid as she offers an in-depth interpretation with information about your Aura’s reality, purpose and protection. This reading aims at Elevating Consciousness for Personal Evolution with printed support information as guided. Included is a complete Aura Protective Care Package with simple and effective methods to manifest and carry more light into your everyday life.
You will receive:
- A Private Reading with Ingrid
- Aura Photograph of the Heart Chakra Vibrations
- Personal Chakra Report with 2 printed Full Body Pictures
- An Aura Care Booklet with additional information on maintaining a strong and healthy Aura
(If necessary, and if guided to do so, spiritual healing and attachment or implant removal can also be available. This service is gifted. )
Due to present-day circumstances Angel-Guided Golden Light Ascension Readings may not be offered at every Expo in person but are available online!
Please schedule your appointment via email: - write into the subject line "EXPO APPOINTMENT" or call: 540-636-7798 to book your 30-minute session.
Advance payment or donation of $45.00 is requested and can be made via check or through PayPal below. (Sorry, no refunds on cancellations but appointment can be re-scheduled.)
The readings will take place via Skype, Zoom or Messenger. For this purpose we require a copy of the two digital pictures from the Personal Chakra Report and one of the Polaroid Aura photo.
Gift Certificates are now available!
To order an attractive gift certificate you may pay with the PayPal options above and then send us an email to let us know the address to send it to. We do not charge extra for this service.
Schedule for Your Group or Event
We can arrange for your group at our location between Linden & Front Royal, Virginia or we can come to you. For an appointment or further information please contact us directly.
P.O. Box 517
Linden, VA 22642-0517
Tel. 540-636-7798
Fax: 540-636-9645
- Within a 50 mile radius from Front Royal, VA for groups of a minimum of 7.
- For journeys at a greater distance we require a minimum of 12 and
- For Long distance of 200 miles plus the minimum is 25 or more.
Consultations always include advice on Aura maintenance and how to integrate the awareness of “living light” into everyday life.
We love to add a free 1-hour interactive lecture presentation for your group, which offers a greater meaning and purpose to the whole venture. A workshop of several hours would be available as well for an additional minimal fee.